believe in something enables the creation of proof of commitment and proof of ownership records on-chain. Users can lock their tokens for a set time to demonstrate their commitment to their favorite projects.


meme it, mean it, believe it


  • - NFT-based proof of commitment/ownership on-chain
  • - Lock for any time, any amount. For an hour, forever
  • - Use your *prompts* to generate a unique NFT


how it works

┌─────────┐    ┌─────────┐    ┌─────────┐
│  Your   │    │ Locked  │    │Showcase │
│ Tokens  │ => │ Tokens  │ => │   on    │
│         │    │  (NFT)  │    │ Profile │
└─────────┘    └─────────┘    └─────────┘
     │  Proof of    Proof of     │
     │ Ownership  + Commitment   │